Nordic Statistics
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Environment and energy
Geography and climate
Absence from work
Activity limitations
Causes of death
Life expectancy
Lifestyles and living conditions
LILI01: Proportion of young people who report high life satisfaction by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI02: Proportion of young people who have been bullied at least once or twice at school in the previous couple of months by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI03: Proportion of young people who report fighting at least once in the past 12 months by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI04: Proportion of young people who report at least one hour of MVPA daily by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI05: Proportion of young people with overweight or obesity using the international BMI standards for young people according to WHO by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI06: Proportion of young people who have smoked 1-2 days or more in their lifetime by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI07: Proportion of young people who have smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI08: Proportion of young people who have ever drunk alcohol in their lifetime by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI09: Proportion of young people who have drunk alcohol in the last 30 days by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI10: Proportion of young people who spend two hours or more watching television etc. per weekday by reporting country, age, sex and time

LILI11: Proportion of young people who have intensively online contact with friends and others by reporting country, age, sex and time

Unmet health needs
Integration and migration
International trade
Labour market
Nordic Gender Equality Indicators
Nordic Indicators for our Vision 2030
Prices and Consumption
Public finance
Science and technology
Social integration and income